The Disaster Artist is a 2017 American biographical comedy-drama film that chronicles an unlikely friendship between aspiring actors Tommy Wiseau and Greg Sestero, resulting in the production of Wiseau's 2003 film The Room. The film stars James Franco as Tommy Wiseau, Dave Franco as Greg Sestero, Seth Rogen as Sandy Schklair, Alison Brie as Amber, Ari Graynor as Juliette Danielle, Jacki Weaver as Carolyn Minnott, Josh Hutcherson as Philip Haldiman, and Zac Efron as Dan Janjigian. The most popular cast member today is James Franco, Tommy Wiseau.
Actor online popularity data updated today, September 08, 2024
The Disaster Artist is a 2017 American biographical comedy-drama film based on Greg Sestero and Tom Bissell's 2013 non-fiction book of the same title. It tells the story of an aspiring actor who crosses paths with the enigmatic Tommy Wiseau and ends up involved in the creation of Wiseau's notorious film, The Room. Directed by James Franco and starring James and Dave Franco, the film explores the unlikely friendship between Wiseau and Sestero, and the unconventional journey they take in bringing The Room to life.